Can I Sleep With African Waist Beads On?

Most women are concerned about sleeping with their waist beads on, as they are concerned doing so will ruin them . However, if looked after properly your African waist beads can last for years. Because many people feel that sleeping with their waist beads on can shorten it's lifespan or cause them to split. For this reason we have listed here a few things that you can do to ensure your waist beads last as long as possible even if you choose to sleep with them on.

  1. Wear your beads where it is more comfortable on your body. Determine if that is on your hips, waist or under your. Experiment till you find your sweet spot.

  2. Make sure they are not too tight and that you don't experience tension when you sit and stand.

  3. Regularly check your waist beads for possible string or threads from underwear as well as other garments and gently remove them.

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