The History of African Waist Beads

The history of African waist beads is quite fascinating and interesting so if you have ever asked the question where do African waist beads come from then his post is for you.

There are many schools of thoughts about the origin of African waist beads

what is certain is that the culture and fashion of wearing waist beads dates back thousands of years with the ancient Egyptians been credited for its genesis. In modernity the tribes of Ghana and Nigeria such as the Yoruba, the Akan and the Ewe have brought multiple expressions to waist beads.

Today you will find the wearing of African waist beads has been embraced throughout West African with other countries cross the continent adopting the wearing of waist beads.

Going back to ancient Egypt beads were worn to show ones status, beauty, wealth and power.

African waist beads were also worn to mark important celebrations such as marriages, puberty rites, enstoolment and many more.

Above all women used waist beads for maintaining healthy body weight plus curvy slender figures.

Nowadays traditional African waist beads and its more modern adaptions such as glow in the dark waist beads are loved and worn by women from various cultural backgrounds.

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What are African Waist Beads?


Why do Women Wear African Waist Beads?