3 Reasons to Wear African Waist Beads

You've heard about them, you've contemplated wearing them, but you are still on the fence.

You've been admiring waist beads from afar, yet have not yet taken your first step into the world of accessorising with these glorious jewels.

Here are three reasons why you should explore and embrace wearing African waist beads.

1. Grace and poise.

There is just something elegant about waist beads. The way they look against skin and the way to bring a heightened awareness.

You will find that wearing waist beads will help you notice your own posture which in turn will encourage to carry yourself with grace.

2 Confidence.

African waist beads are a great confidence boost. Loving yourself enough to adorn your beautiful body with jewels even when no one can see then? That is confidence.

3. Weight management.

One thing almost all women who wear beads around their waist speak of is that is helps them watch how much they eat.

Beads worn around the waist will tighten if you overdo with the chow.

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Waist Beads As A Statement Of Expression