The Benefits Of Wearing Waist Beads

African waist beads are super fun and definitely beautiful to behold. But aside from their aesthetic draw, waist beads offer benefits that other items of jewelry simply do not. Here are the top three benefits of wearing waist beads.

Aids weight Lose & Maintains a Trim Figure

Losing weight using waist beads is an age old tradtion. It is more of an art then a science however it works. Wearing waist beads around your navel or hips keeps you vigilant when pounds start to creep up. Helping you keep disciplined with weight maintenance. Overeating if you wear your beads at waist level is not possible as your beads will feel tight and stop you in your tracks..

Improves posture

A beautiful posture if just one of the many benefits of wearing waist beads. The beads against your skin on your hips or waist will make your feel elegant and aware of the way you carry yourself.

Confidence Boost

Waist beads are a real confidence boost. There is just something about beautiful waist beads and the positive effect they have on our mental state and beauty well-being.

Shop Traditional African Waist Beads

Shop Glow in the Dark Waist Beads

Shop Waist Beads for Brides

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Waist Beads in One Colour or Multiple Colours?


Mothering Sunday