Its All About The Glow Up

Women have been wearing waist beads for hundreds if not thousands of years. Traditional African waist beads have been a staple source of fashion expression and body beautification going all the way back to the Egyptian dynasties and beyond. Women did not only wear waist beads to enhance their beauty but as a sign of status and symbol.

Often then not waist beads were also worn to help maintain a trim and shapely figure.

However in recent and modern times there has been an introduction of glow in the dark waist beads to the market.

Glow in the dark waist beads offer a fun and quirky take on what has been traditional for may generations. An exciting alternative or addition to the waist jewelry beloved by so many women.

We would love to know have to added Glow in the dark waist beads to your waist jewelry?

Shop Traditional African Waist Beads

Shop Glow in the Dark Waist Beads

Shop Waist Beads for Brides


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