Hello March!

Is it us, or does time seem to be flying by so quickly? It seems only like yesterday that we entered into a new year and already its March!

Well at least March is a month of many celebrations and so we can't complain right? This month we celebrate mother's Day, international women's Day, world water Day and of course the first day of spring on the 20th - Which is something to always celebrate.

Now if you are the type of person who likes to plan ahead with gifting others or refreshing your wardrobe for a new seasons then know that we have your back.

African waist beads always makes a lovely gift for friends and sisters during International women's Day as well as for the Afrocentric mum on mother's Day. So whether you lean towards traditional African waist beads or you prefer super girly glow in the dark waist beads, you'll sure to find something special here at waistbeads.co.uk

Plus if a new season means new waist jewelry for you then by all means spoil splurge on yourself from the selection waist bead shades HERE


Its All About The Glow Up


New Year, New Socials.